Sunday, April 20, 2008

Haul in the Gangplank Me Hearties!

This is my "treasure chest" card - I thought that it turned out pretty cute! MY little Picaroon likes it, anyways! He likes to open it! LOL My favorite part is the key hole. I used my 1/4 circle punch and a craft knife.

This cutie pie pirate is from Lizzie Anne Designs, as are the sentiments. The "happy birthday" comes from Sketched Sentiments, and the other two stamps are Simply Singles from the winter release.

I just got my sets from this release, and OMGoodness, as soon as I'm done writing this little blurb, I'm off to play before the Landlubbers come in and want "mommy time"! LOL
You can see from the above pic how the card opens. I used my new Scor-Pal, and I must admit, that though I wasn't an immediate believer, I'm getting a lot of use out of it! (Mimi, I can see the look on your face in my head right now. :)) So thanks to all of you enablers out there! LOL

I used my Curvy Cutter from CM to make the curve on the front and rounded the corners. The circle has a Summer Sun smaller circle behind it separated with Dimensionals for depth.

And here's the little Freebooter. He's colored with Copics. I cut out his sword and elevated it at the tip for dimension.

Hope you like my little card. It was fun to make! Now it's time for me to sign off. My little Powder Monkey and big Cockswain just returned to the Poop Deck from outside, and my attention is needed...

Till tomorrow,

Your Drivelswigger :)


  1. This is so clever and cute!

  2. Adorable! Definitely great for a little guy. So many options for things you could do with it! Awesome for party invites too.

  3. adorable!!! love the pirate talk link! thanks!!! i keep talking myself out of a scor-pal...thanks for making me think about it once, really, thanks...

  4. OMG! That is just the BEST! Seriously love it. And it looks so easy-even better!

  5. So, so cute! I agree with Kira, great for invitations or a gift card holder... :)

  6. This is so fun! What a great idea and any little guy would love it! Into TODAY'S FAVES on my blog!

  7. Simply so cute and clever! I just love this one :D


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